Moyamoya Disease

Moyamoya disease is a rare but serious cerebrovascular condition. It affects the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain. This article explores Moyamoya disease, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and living with the condition. What is Moyamoya Disease? Moyamoya, meaning “puff of smoke” in Japanese, refers to the abnormal tangled network of small blood […]

Top Five Mistakes After Knee Replacement Surgery

Regaining the ability to move easily and free from chronic knee pain is a life-changing prospect. Knee replacement surgery offers just that, with a success rate of 90-95% of total knee replacements functioning well even after ten years. However, achieving this optimal outcome hinges on a crucial factor – your active participation in the recovery […]

Kidney Infection Treatment in Delhi

Your kidneys, bean-shaped organs that filter waste from your blood, can become infected. This infection, called pyelonephritis, usually starts in the bladder or lower urinary tract and travels up to the kidneys. Bacteria are the main culprits, but sometimes viruses can be to blame. Kidney Infection Symptoms Kidney infections develop quickly, often within hours or […]

heat stroke precautions

As temperatures climb over 40°C in parts of India, it’s crucial to stay cool, attentive, and hydrated to prevent heat-related problems like dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. With heat wave alerts spreading across the country, it’s important to take precautions during the summer months. Below are some easy-to-follow tips to stay safe and hydrated […]